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Xidong Mu

Postdoctoral Researcher
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
Office: CS335, Peter Landin Building
Email: xidong.mu@qmul.ac.uk
[Google Scholar] [Linkedin] [ResearchGate]


Xidong Mu is a Postdoctoral Researcher in School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) , London, U.K. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in June, 2022. His research interests include non-orthogonal multiple access, IRSs/RISs aided communications, integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), and optimization theory.


Recent News

[2024-06] I joined the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Communications. [Link]

[2024-05] Our work titled "STAR-RISs: Simultaneous Transmitting and Reflecting Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces" received 2024 The IEEE Communications Society Heinrich Hertz Award for Best Communications Letter. [Link] [Ceremony] [Certificate]

[2024-02] My Google Scholar citations reach 4000! [Photo]

[2024-01] Five co-authored papers are accepted by IEEE ICC 2024!

[2024-01] I serve as the Public Engagement & Social Networks coordinator for IEEE SPCC TC (SPCC-TC).

[2024-01] I will serve as the “Mobile and Wireless Networks” Symposium co-chair for IEEE GLOBECOM 2025.

[2023-12] I receive the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Communication Letters, 2023. [Link]

[2023-11] I received the 2023 IEEE ComSoc Outstanding Young Researcher Award for the Europe, Middle East, & Africa (EMEA) Region. [Certificate] [Link]

[2023-10] I am listed among the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University in the single 2022 year. [Photo][Link]

[2023-09] My Google Scholar citations reach 3000! [Photo]

[2023-08] Five co-authored papers are accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2023!

[2023-07] Two of my co-authored papers on STAR-RIS are listed as ESI Highly Cited Papers (Top 1%). [Photo1] [Photo2]

[2023-06] We are organizing IEEE Internet of Things Journal Special Issue on Next Generation Multiple Access for Internet-of-Things, with the submission deadline on 1st March 2024. [CFP]

[2023-05] We are organizing IEEE GLOBECOM 2023 Workshops on Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA) for Future Wireless Communications, with the submission deadline on 15th July 2023. [CFP]

[2023-03] We are organizing IEEE PIMRC 2023 Workshops on Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA) for Future Wireless Communications, with the submission deadline on 19th May 2023. [CFP]

[2023-03] My Google Scholar citations reach 2000! [Photo]

[2023-02] I receive the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022 (Fewer than 5%). [Link]

[2023-01] One my co-authored paper is listed as a ESI Highly Cited Papers (Top 1%). [Photo]

[2022-12] I receive the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Communication Letters, 2022. [Certificate]

[2022-12-16] I serve as the Secretary of the IEEE ComSoc Next Generation Multiple Access Emerging Technology Initiative (NGMA-ETI) and the IEEE SPCC SIG on Signal Processing Techniques for NGMA (SIG-NGMA).

[2022-12] We are organizing IEEE WCNC 2023 Workshops on Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA) for Future Wireless Communications, with the submission deadline on 4th January 2023. [CFP]

[2022-12] We are organizing the following IET Signal Processing special issue on the topic of Signal Processing for Sensing, Communication and Computation Integration in Next-Generation Wireless Networks, with the submission deadline on 31st March 2023. [CFP]

[2022-11] My Ph.D. thesis receives the 2022 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award of Artificial Intelligence School in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. [Certificate]

[2022-11] One my first-authored paper is listed as ESI Hot Paper (Top 0.1%). [Photo]

[2022-10] Our paper entitled “Simultaneously Transmitting and Reflecting (STAR)-RISs: A Coupled Phase-Shift Model” published in IEEE ICC 2022 won the 2022 IEEE SPCC TC Best Paper Award. [Certificate]

[2022-10] My first-authored paper entitled “Semi-NOMA enabled Coexisting Semantic and Bit Communications” won the ISWCS 2022 Best Paper Award. [Certificate]

[2022-09] Our paper entitled “STRAS Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communications: A CRB Optimization Perspective” won the IEEE VTC2022-Fall Best Student Paper Award. [Certificate]

[2022-09] Two my first-authored papers are listed as ESI Highly Cited Papers (Top 1%) and one my co-authored paper is listed as a ESI Hot Paper (Top 0.1%). [Photo]

[2022-07] Our recent STAR-RIS work with Prof. Octavia A. Dobre has been featured in the IEEE Xplore and has been listed as the Top 1 Popular Paper in IEEE CL. [Photo1] [Photo2]

[2022-06] I serve as the Conference Symposium and Workshop Officer for IEEE ComSoc Next Generation Multiple Access Emerging Technology Initiative (NGMA-ETI).

[2022-06] I receive the Ph.D. degree in Information and Communication Engineering from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).

[2022-04] I am awarded the ComSoc Student Grant for the IEEE ICC 2022.

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