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Xidong Mu

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Centre for Wireless Innovation, Queen's University Belfast
Office: 01/53, Momentum One Zero, Channel Commercial Park, Queens Rd, Belfast BT3 9DT
Email: x.mu@qub.ac.uk
[Google Scholar] [Linkedin] [ResearchGate]


Xidong Mu is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) with the Centre for Wireless Innovation (CWI), Queen's University Belfast, U.K. since August 2024. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the STAR Lab at Queen Mary University of London, London, U.K. (July 2022 - July 2024). He received the Ph.D. degree in Information and Communication Engineering from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in June 2022.

Dr. Mu serves as the Public Engagement and Social Networks Coordinator of IEEE ComSoC SPCC-TC and the secretary of the IEEE ComSoc Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA) Emerging Technology Initiative. He also serves as an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications. Dr. Mu is the recipient of the [2023 IEEE ComSoc Outstanding Young Researcher Award for the Europe, Middle East and Africa Region] and the co-recipient of the [2024 IEEE Communications Society Heinrich Hertz Award for Best Communications Letter], the [2022 IEEE ComSoc SPCC TC Best Paper Award], the [ISWCS 2022 Best Paper Award], and the [IEEE VTC2022-Fall Best Student Paper Award].

To Prospective Students for 25 Fall

I'm always looking for self-motivated students who want to pursue a Ph.D degree on 6G research directions in `SWIFT LAB@QUB' including but not limited to the following:

Students with strong backgrounds in wireless communications, signal processing, mathematical optimization, and machine learning are encouraged to apply. If you are interested in joining us, please send your CV, transcript, and ranking to me via email.

[QUB International PhD studentships, ddl Feb. 28, 2025] Multiple PhD studentships of EEECS in QUB are available here: [Topic 1], [Topic 2], [Topic 3]

[QUB-CSC PhD studentships, ddl Jan. 21, 2025] There will be up to 20 full PhD scholarships available for Chinese candidates starting their studies in QUB from the 2025-26 academic year. [QUB-CSC]

I also welcome applications for post-doctoral research or visiting students/scholars. I am happy to support your proposal application and hold your position in CWI of QUB.

Recent News

[2025-01] Three of my co-authored papers are listed as an ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%). [Photo]

[2024-12] I am elected as the Secretary of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks (TCCN) starting from Jan. 1, 2025. [Link]

[2024-11] My first-authored paper on RIS-NFC is listed as an ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%). [Photo]

[2024-11] My co-authored paper on STARS-NFC is listed as an ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%). [Photo]

[2024-10] I have been recognised through the University's STAR (Staff Recognition) Scheme in Queen's University Belfast. [Link]

[CWI Symposium] Co-sponsored by IEEE ComSoc, we organized the CWI Symposium "Intelligent & Sustainable Wireless Networks" on October 24, 2024. [Link]

[2024-09] We will organize IEEE ICC 2025 Workshops on Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA) for Future Wireless Communications. [Link]

[2024-09] I am listed among the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University in the single 2023 year. [Photo][Link]

[2024-09] My first-authored paper on NOMA-ISAC is listed as an ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%). [Photo]

[IEEE TCCN CFP] We are organizing the following IEEE TCCN special issue on Machine Learning and Intelligent Signal Processing for Near-Field Technologies, with the submission deadline on 1 March 2025. [CFP]

[2024-08-01] Join Centre for Wireless Innovation (CWI), Queen's University Belfast as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor). A new journey starts!

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